CEO & Founder

James Grant was born and raised in Harlem, New York. He is the Executive Director and Founder of Opus Dance Theatre & Community Services, Inc.  He has played an active role in various dance companies and arts organizations for more than 30 years, including his past role as business manager of the Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation Inc. Arts in Education/Ailey Camp department. James states that his love for the arts was given to him by God; and credits his artistic development to such masters as, Dr. Charles “Chuck” Davis, Talley Beatty, Gloria Jackson, Bernice Johnson, and Baba Olatunji. The therapeutic recreation/leisure programs Grant designed has been credited for meeting the needs of at-risk youth and keeping them off the streets.  
While Grant makes plans for opening an Opus location in Harlem, international performances and programs he continues to partner with The NYC Department of Youth and Community Development, Department of Education/Community Schools, Montessori Continuing Education for Teachers Program, and The Salvation Army's Battered Women's Shelter.  As the Executive Director of Opus, Inc since 1988, he has produced dance concerts, musical theater, International Black Arts Festival in Vienna, Austria, the First Annual Festival of the African Diaspora, in Costa Rica and the First Arts in Education Opus’ A.R.I.S.E. program in Soweto, South Africa. He choreographed “Judgement Day and the Liberation of The Invisible Man,” a Hip-Hop musical inspired by the life of Tupac Shakur. In 1993, he received a Proclamation for Community Service and Artistic Excellence from the City of New York and in 2006 the Vivian Robinson Arts & Culture Award in honor of Katherine Dunham

"You will always hear me say, 'To be a good General, you must have a fierce Army,' and our team of board members, instructors, and volunteers  are contributing factors of Opus' success," Grant said. 

While Grant makes plans for opening an Opus location in Harlem, international performances and programs he continues to work with the NYC Administration for Children's Services, NYC Department of Youth and Community Development, the American Red Cross and NYC Department of Education as well as other state and city agencies. As the Executive Director of Opus, Inc since 1988, he has produced dance concerts, musical-theater, fundraisers, gala events, International Black Arts Festival in Vienna, Austria, and the First Annual Festival of the African Diaspora, in Costa Rica.  He choreographed “Judgment Day and The Liberation of The Invisible Man,” A Hip-Hop Musical inspired by the life of Tupac Shakur.  In 1993, he received a Proclamation for Community Service and Artistic Excellence from the City of New York.